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Tag Archives: RODBC

GGPLOT Graphics for NFL Stats

GGPLOT2 is a package developed for producing graphics within the R statistical tool. It utilizes a layering metaphor for gradually adding visual details to the desired output. R can support datasets with millions of rows for various aggregation and analysis operations, but it can be slow, unwieldy to code in, and has memory limitations.     Continue…

Layering in R for Oracle Data

NZ kiwi #1

NZ kiwi #1

The GGPLOT2 package for R, developed by Hadley Wickham, is preferred by many for it’s greater flexibility and range of graphing options. Here’s a tutorial explaining it’s capabilities and here’s the online documentation for the package.     Continue…

R with Oracle

r1The data presentation graphic at right, and many of those sprinkled throughout this article (click them for better resolutions), are highlights from an enthusiast’s gallery which have been produced by the R statistical software package. R is an open-source programming language and environment which has gained much popularity among academics who want to apply statistical methods     Continue…