Hearing the Oracle

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Monthly Archives: June 2014

Visualizing Oracle data: Tree Maps

tree of languages, indo-european

tree of languages, indo-european

I recently wrote about the R statistics and graphics platform, and introduced it as a way to do further analytics or visualizations for data from Oracle databases. This article will take a look at a graphical idea called tree maps. They are an extension of the more basic visualization technique: heat maps.     Continue…

Oracle Highest Ranked DB Engine?

DB-engines.com database buzz ranking for march 2014 -- click to enlarge

DB-engines.com database buzz ranking for march 2014

The DB-engines.com website, which measures how germane almost 200 separate databases are in the current marketplace (including the market of ideas) has had Oracle ranked #1 for many consecutive months now. Their online graphic seems to depict a world in which Oracle is dominant, and by a large margin. What is even more impressive is that the #2-ranked engine is MySQL, also an Oracle product these days, followed by #3-ranked SQL Server from Microsoft. The gap between these three front-runners and the rest of the pack is considerable.     Continue…